Blockly Lesson 4 Quiz Apps Lesson 2

In this lesson, we will combine the Quiz App lessons and the Blockly Lessons to create Blockly Lesson 4 Quiz Apps Lesson 2. In this lesson, we take a look at how to make an advanced Quiz App with user input boxes and a scorekeeping system!
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson:
- All students would have built their own Blockly-powered Quiz app
- Most students will conceptually understand the code blocks and what each one does
- Some students would have customised their quiz with their own assets and style
All students should have built their own Flip Flop function.
Most students will understand the logic behind a Flip Flop
Some students will apply this knowledge to other Apps and projects
Most students will understand the logic behind a Flip Flop
Some students will apply this knowledge to other Apps and projects